Student Corner

What are the dos and don’ts for Effective Essay Writing Tips For Students

dos and don’ts for Effective Essay Writing Tips

Genuinely, students basically make use of the internet to search for tips and ideas to make their writing more effective. They depend upon certain keywords to conduct knowledge hunting and this ultimately leads them towards the powerhouses of information in the form of data. Still, this cannot help a student to acquire effective methods of writing because they are not capable of thinking from different perspectives, i.e. as a student and as a teacher. One can see that the effectiveness of a piece of writing is not in the vague mode of displaying more than enough data. Instead, attractive mode of displaying the information collected from different modes added with the personal touch is suitable to enter the sanctum sanctorum of effective essay writing. The following dos and don’ts are most appropriate for students who are struggling to finish their essays.  

Also, read: How to Write Well Structured Essays


  • Consider writing as a continuous process without any interruption. To be specific, be in touch with the process of writing because a student who does not write anything on the regular basis is like a blunt ax. If you wish to be sharp, just use your skill in writing and it can make your memory and related intelligence as sharp as a regularly used ax.
  • If you do not have a specific topic to ponder upon, make use of your capacity to imagine. One can see that imagination can stimulate your ability to write without a topic. Just imagine that you are asked to write upon a topic, grab your pen, and start writing. If you don’t have any topic, as abovementioned, just depend upon your imagination, the thing is done.
  • Wherever you go, carry a small notepad and a pen. This can help you to scribble down something that attracts your attention. Never try to write in detail, just pen down the situation or the factor that attracted you towards the situation. This can help you to recollect more information while you get indulged in the process of writing. If interested, one can follow the traditional mode of writing in a notebook. If not, transform your ideas in the form of words and sentences, with the help of a laptop.
  • Ready anything in any form of writing. Some may feel fiction as most appropriate for their style of reading and taste. Some others may feel that poetry is most suitable for their taste and aptitude. If you wish to find out your own taste in reading, grab each and every book comes in handy. This sort of wide reading, but with the aim to identify one’s taste can help one to identify the same with ease and concentrate on it. 
  • At first, try to write in your own sentences. There may be grammatical inconsistencies and typos. No problem, it is usually because Rome is not built in a single day! Can you imagine a person whose writing is perfect from the first day? It is impossible because that person exists only in imagination, and no one can master writing by practicing for a single day. World-renowned writers write, rewrite, edit, and proofread, till they feel that everything is okay with their piece of writing.


  • When someone’s tries to criticize your piece of writing, don’t feel disheartened because it is usual to criticize. For instance, the piece of writing is supposed to be criticized by the reader or the critic. Consider criticism as an innovative way to better your piece of writing. Besides, not get agitated or irritated against criticism because it can help you to channelize your writing in future.
  • It is utterly foolish to consider that your writing must be perfect because different readers perceive the same piece of writing in different ways. This is normal because individual difference plays an important role in perceiving different things. One can see that essays prepared by different students based on the same topic (if not copied!) tend to be different in the real sense.
  • Don’t consider that writing is an easy process because it is the tiresome effort to combine imagination, recollection, and the skill to scribble down into a single entity. Some people with enough experience may feel that writing is an easy process. But for others, writing is not a simple process, but the recollection and reproduction of ideas into words and sentences.
  • Don’t try to give unwanted importance to figurative language in technical writing. Some students consider that figurative language is most suitable for writing. This is totally wrong in the case of technical writing. If you are asked to write a poem or a piece of fiction, you can use figurative language, no problem. But if you have decided to write based upon technical information, discard the figurative language because it is not suitable for the same.
  • Last but not the least; as you are trying to write seriously for the first time, don’t try to provide importance to the topic you select. If you select an easier topic or subject, writing will become a mechanical process. If you select a difficult topic to write, you will bite off all of your fingernails and nothing will be seen in your paper or notebook. So, select any topic which ignites interest and imagination in you, and starts writing, that is all.

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